Studies, studies, studies

My little studies….this is what I love to do to prepare for something larger. These are about 5×7 inches and I’ve done about 10 of them. After making 10, I think I am ready to tackle the big paper. This dory is one small part of a larger picture. If I can get comfortable with my handling of the boat, water, and the reflections, then I can make some studies of other parts of the picture. I usually save one or two, the rest I send to friends on a card or sell as a “Little Original” card at Gallery 4…for a a little price of 8-10 bucks. Make some studies today…if they don’t turn out, make some more. Continue to find ways watercolor works and doesn’t work, in the same way Thomas Edison found a thousand ways the lightbulb didn’t work. It is important to start…the rest will come….

Dory Study 2







Dory Study 3







Dory Study 1








Dory Study 5



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