Thoughts on being prolific


I feel I am in the most proflific stage of my life right now and I hope every year improves. I believe all of us can tap into the great creativity resources of our loving God Almighty. I have chosen to do this. If you wonder about God’s creative mind, observe  the wings of a flying insect, the boundless energy of a red squirrel, the magnificence of a flower petal, the detailed lines in a blue jay feather, the everchanging forms of cumulus clouds…yes, God’s creative energy is everywhere and all we have to do is ask and tap into it! Enjoy creating something today! It can be a salad, a piece of art, a piece of furniture! I met a wonderful Mexican woman who is the parent of one of my 6th graders. Aurora told me she loves to create in the kitchen. She truly is an artist. She created some beautifully wrapped tamales and some lovely bread and gave them to me as a gift.  She is an artist. I hesitated to untie the dainty little corn husk knots that squeezed the waists of the tamales….so beautifully crafted with delicious filling inside. We all are artists, no matter where, no matter how.  I believe this with all my heart.

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