Fargo Drawing and Watercolor Workshop Successful!

The  Explorations in Drawing and Watercolor Workshop was held at the North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS) on March 12-15th,2018. What an amazing group of artists! Some stated they had never painted before and some were seasoned veterans. It did not matter. It does not matter where you are on your creative journey. My workshops unite all levels, erase all lines between them, and connect artists on a deeper plane of friendship, sharing, honesty, and affirmation. We all helped one another get to the next level of painting. Each day we progressed from one skill to the next and met Day 4 with confidence in being able to begin a final painting that may need to be fine-tuned at home. I received suggestions to make this workshop a 5-day course and I am planning that for next year when I teach the week of March 11th,2019.  NDSCS was a fabulous venue for us-great lighting, large tables, state of the art technology so lessons were not shared around a table, but all could sit at their own tables and  view a large screen with techniques presented with a document camera. Immediately after the demo, the artists would practice what I showed them.  Thank you, Fargo workshop artists, for being a blessing to me and my wonderful assistant, Beverly. Thank you, NDSCS, for providing a fabulous venue for a drawing and painting workshop. Your staff was so helpful and accommodating. Yes, we will be returning to light the fire for those of you who simply want to better yourselves as artists or dive in to a new passion. Everyone can learn, everyone can draw, everyone can paint. That is my belief and I’m sticking to it!


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